Face Reading

Face reading is a modality from ancient China and a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that correlates colors, lines, marks, shapes, and textures on the face and ears with a reciprocating emotion and organ in the body. Identifying these connections helps people heal emotional, physical and spiritual trauma and can be used in a myriad of ways.

I no longer take individual clients but teach classes
using face reading topics.

Take a class >

I learned face reading from the late Lillian Pearl Bridges of the Lotus Institute in Seattle. Lillian came from a long lineage of Chinese face readers in the Chen family. It was her desire to educate as many people as possible on how to use face reading to improve their lives and understand others better.

To become a certified face reader, I had to submit a series of case studies to be approved by my colleagues.

To learn more about face reading or find a face reader who does private sessions:

My Training

visit the lotus institute >